what we do

Sparked exists to see your company soar 

Effective marketing implementation requires the solid foundation of strategy. Sparked works collaboratively to outline business priorities, determine critical project requirements, and produce a feasible business strategy. 

From early launch to the critical growth phase, we support business owners with deliverables such as brand messaging, cohesive operating principles, and sales planning that captures profit to fuel your company's growth.

Whether you are considering a new initiative, an addition to your business, or a company pivot, Sparked is ready to work. 

Sparked specializes in early stage business consulting. We serve as your eyes and ears and collectively navigate your business. Our areas of focus include brand messaging, operational strategy, and growth planning. 
Whether you are considering a new initiative, an addition to your business, or redesigning your sales strategy, Sparked can review various options and outline top priorities to achieve your growth goals. 

Where do you sit among your competitors? We're here to help with overall concept and relevant strategy.

brand foundation

No. 1

My job is to ask you the right questions to get you to the right answers 

Brand Foundation

Do you know your customer? What do they look like? Where do they shop? What are they searching for online?

Here is where we break it all down. We help you identify your customer and connect to him or her through authentic and targeted messaging.

You’re not a one hit wonder. Together we’re going to create a lasting relationship between you and your consumer. 

Do you know your customer? What do they look like? Where do they shop? What are they searching for online?

Here is where we break it all down. We help you identify your customer and connect to him or her through authentic and targeted messaging.

You’re not a one hit wonder. Together we’re going to create a lasting relationship between you and your consumer. 

brand foundation

What makes up your business? What is your mission and vision? What is your why? 


ops strategy

Are you clear on the longterm goals for your company, and is it set up for sustainable growth?

operations strategy

No. 2

operations strategy

Are you spending most of your time packaging your own product? Or do you have purchase orders you can’t fill? Whether it’s time to adjust your fulfillment strategy or streamline your cashflow, here is where we overhaul your operations strategy. 

We specialize in understanding your company’s overall processes, including production, fulfillment and distribution, to ensure efficiency and sustainable growth. We teach you our practices on educating a potential client and converting into a lifetime customer. 

We do all of this to make sure you’re capturing all possible profit for a bright and long future in business.

No. 2

Are you clear on the longterm goals for your company, and is it set up for sustainable growth?

operations strategy

Is your business connecting with your target customer? Are you meeting sales goals?

growth + sales

No. 3

My job is to ask you the right questions to get you to the right answers 

growth + sales

Being a small business doesn't mean you can't play big. 

And big retailers don't scare us. 

Bottom line. We’re good at connecting people and strategic partners to take your business to the next level. We're here to introduce you to the right people and open you up to potential sales channels you may not have considered before.

Your product matters. Let’s make sure your product is on the right shelf at the right time.

how else we can help

Vendor + manufacturer negotiations 
Sales brokerage 
Pricing strategy
Customer persona development


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Name *

it's time to play big. 


We've got mail!

We can't wait to help you play big.

get in touch

let's set something up
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